Stigler Public Schools is currently taking bids for the elementary building expansion project. We are excited to start this project and move forward with upgrading and renovating Stigler Elementary School! Our first step will be relocating the portable buildings east of the cafeteria/gym. These will be relocated to the parking lot area south of the main building. This is scheduled to be completed over Christmas Break.

The Stigler Elementary Project has a budget of approximately $3,000,000 from ESSER III funds and the Stigler Public Schools building fund. As with all building projects, what we can build depends on the total cost once the bids are received, and we determine the actual cost versus the estimated cost.

 We have included “add-alternates” to the bid process to ensure we complete this project on time by not having to rebid if the bids are over budget.

 Essentially, we have two multiple-choice questions (Base Bid 1 and Base Bid 2), and we will choose an answer for each question based on the cost of the bids and how it fits into our budget. For each base bid, we will have “add-alternates,” we will choose one based on our budget.

 Base Bid 1 – is for seven classrooms and administrative offices. (If the bid amounts allow, we have two additional options or alternates)

•           Add - Alternate 1A – Two additional classrooms (total of 9) separated by a firewall.

•           Add - Alternate 1B – Two additional classrooms (total of 9), separated by a firewall; the two additional classrooms and corridor are a hardened storm shelter.

•           Add – Alternate 1C – Rerouting sewer line around the hardened storm shelter classrooms in add – alternate 1B. (1C includes 1B)

 Base Bid 2 – is for a covered canopy from the existing elementary to the east exit of the new building.

•           Add - Alternate 2A – Construct a fully enclosed and air-conditioned corridor.

 Our project goals are

1.         Base Bid 1 and Add–Alternate 1C.

2.         Base Bid 2 - Add-Alternate 2A. 


Please visit Stigler Grade School Addition for some renderings of the Stigler Elementary Project.